Huravee Day 2021

Huravee day, also known as Huravee dhuvas is celebrated on the third of the lunar Islamic month of Jumada Al Thani. It was first celebrated on 18th April 1980. This day is celebrated as a reminder of the heroes of Maldives who sacrificed their lives to get our country where it is today. Huravee day pays tribute to Sultan Hassan Izzudin who freed Maldives from the South Indian invaders (Malabaareen). The name Huravee dhuvas comes from the fact that Hassan Izzudin was born in Huravee.

It was sometime in the 18th century (12th century in Hijra) when two Maldivians brought the idea of invading Maldives to Ali Raja, leader of  Malabaareen. They did this by exchanging letters, and at some point told him exactly how to invade Maldives. With their support, Ali Raja sent his people to invade Maldives. They reached Male at 3 a.m. and soon succeeded in invading Maldives.

After 4 months of them invading Maldives, Hassan Izzudin popularly known as Dhon Bandaarain secretly devised a plan to overthrow Ali Raja. He recruited a team by telling his best friend whom he trusted a lot about his plan and asked him to tell his plan to the person that he trusted the most and to tell that person to share it to someone that they trusted the most and so on. 

On the third night of Jumada Al Thani in 1166 Hijra, after the invaders went to sleep, Dhon Bandaarain and his team of 200 people went to Veyodhoshu Ganduvaru. And upon his command, the team secretly went onto the place where Ali Raja's people kept their guns and brought them out. Then they started shooting the guns. The sound of the guns woke Ali Raja's people. Dhon Bandaarain and his team went and killed all of the Malabaareen and had a glorious victory. After the victory Hassan Izzudin became Sultan al-Ghazi al-Hassan Izzudin, the first sultan of the Huravee dynasty. 

This day is a reminder for all of us that, when we are divided we create chaos but when we work together as a nation we can succeed any goal. It also reminds us about the sacrifices our ancestors made for us so we can have a better life and we must do the same to the next generation. In our school, a special assembly was held today to celebrate Huravee Day and HOPE students paid a tribute to remind everyone the importance of our history and the spirit of patriotism.

Written by,
Aishath Jadhwa Jihad
Deputy Activities captain

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