Graduation of class 2022/2023

The air was charged with anticipation as students, parents, and esteemed guests gathered for an unforgettable evening of talent, recognition and celebration. The event showcased the remarkable achievements of students and honored individuals who have made a significant impact.

The morning commenced with a moment of tranquility and reverence as Zaakee Mujthaba Zahir mesmerized the audience with a soul-stirring recitation of the Holy Quran. His melodious voice filled the venue, instilling a sense of peace and spirituality in the hearts of those present. This serene beginning set the tone for a morning
that would be filled with grace and inspiration.

The highlight of the morning was the unveiling of the students' portfolios. Divided into three parts, these presentations showcased the exceptional talents and creativity nurtured within the educational institution. From captivating visual art to thought-provoking literary works, the students left the audience in awe of their capabilities. The video presentations brought the portfolios to life, leaving no doubt that these young minds have a bright future ahead.

Amidst the applause and admiration, the students were presented with well-deserved certificates, a testament to their hard work and dedication.

The evening was further enhanced by captivating performances. 

Mr. Abdul Latheef Ali, our principal, delivered a commemorative speech that touched the hearts of all those present. His words reflected upon the importance of perseverance and the impact of education in shaping young minds. Following this, the esteemed Chief Guest, Mr. Idh'ham Fahmy, delivered an inspiring address. Her insightful words encouraged the students to pursue their passions and make a positive difference in the world.

 It was an event that celebrated the journey of learning, the pursuit of excellence, and the spirit of unity

To the Graduates, It’s a bittersweet moment when you graduate. You are leaving behind the friends and teachers who have come to mean so much to you and going off into the wide world. And while it may be bittersweet, it’s also exciting, too. We know that all the work you’ve done these last four years have prepared you well for the new challenges and opportunities that will come your way. No one is better equipped than you to face those challenges with fortitude, humor and wisdom. May you make the most of everything life sends your way! Farewell!

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